Pet Poison Prevention

National Poison Prevention Week, which was enacted by Congress in 1961, always occurs on the third week in March. This year for 2019, it falls from March 18 to March 24th.

So, what exactly is the purpose of National Poison Prevention Week?

This specific week has been set aside to highlight awareness and prevention of poisoning, and what to do if any unfortunate scenarios occur. At Animal Hospital of Sandy Springs, we use this week to remind our clients about their pets, and the potential dangers their furry friends can encounter if they get poisoned from everyday household objects.

Since pets are just naturally curious, it is extremely important to keep certain things away from paws’ reach. We encourage you to pay attention to:

Living rooms. Poisonous things in these areas include certain plants, fragrance products, batteries, bags/purses (which can contain many toxic items) and more.

Kitchens. There are many, many human foods which are poisonous to pets and which need to be kept away from them. Garbage cans should also be kept pet proof, and alcoholic beverages need to be safely stored away from curious snouts.

Bathrooms. All medications need to be safely stored away in cupboards and not on countertops. Bathroom cleaning products need to also be tucked away, and always remember to close toilet lids.

Garages. Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) products have a sweet taste that pets may enjoy, however these items are extremely toxic and should be safely hidden. Car products like cleaners and fluids need to also be properly stored.

Outdoor areas. Keep fertilizers sealed and out of reach. Grub or snail killers can also be harmful to pets, as well as insecticides and sprayed herbicides.

The above examples are just some of the common scenarios where pets can get poisoned from everyday products. If you believe your pet has ingested anything toxic, you must IMMEDIATELY contact us at 404-255-8522. Please be ready with the label or type of object that your pet has ingested.

We treat National Poison Prevention Week very seriously at Animal Hospital of Sandy Springs, and we encourage you to contact us for additional information on household toxins and how to keep your pet away from them. You can also reach out to the Pet Poison Helpline, which is available 24/7 for any additional questions or expert help.

Thank you, and let’s work together to keep our pets safe from poisonous substances!